Source code for protocols.demos.demo_two_mixes.demo_two_mixes

# author Ariel Vina-Rodriguez (qPCR4vir)
# this example is free to use at your onw risk
# 2019-2019
Prepare serial dilutions of two mixes.


__author__ = 'Ariel'

# Tutorial

from protocols.evo200_f.evo200_f import *

class DemoTwoMixes(Evo200_FLI):
    Prepare two 1:10 serial dilutions of two different mixes each in 'n' 100 uL final volume wells
    (each in a microplate, the second one to be moved to the working position).

    'mix1' and 'mix2' are diluted separately in n wells 1:10 (mix1_10 and mix2_10 respectively) using
    a provided "buffer". From those wells a portion is transferred to the final 1:100 dilutions
    (mix1_100 and mix2_100 respectively) to fv=100 uL final volume

    One way to achieve this:
    - Calculate how much to transfer from each mix1_10 to mix1_100. v_mix1_10_100= fv/10 and from diluent.
    - Calculate how much to distribute from mix1 to each mix1_10 and from diluent.
    - Define a reagent `mix1` and `mix2`in an Eppendorf rack (labware) for the calculated volume per "sample" (mix1_10 or 2).
    - Define a reagent `buffer` in a 100 mL cubette `BufferCub` for the total volume per "sample".
    - Generate check list
    - Transfer plate 2 from the original location `plate2` to the final location `plate2-moved`
    - Define derived reagents for diluted mixes
    - Distribute mix1 and buffer into mix1_10 and similar with mix2
    - Transfer from mix1_10 to mix1_100 and distribute buffer here. The same with mix2_10

    name = "Prefill one plate with Buffer."
    min_s, max_s = 1, 96/2

    # for now just ignore the variants
    def def_versions(self):
        self.versions = {'No version': self.V_def}

    def V_def(self):

    def __init__(self,
                 GUI                         = None,
                 num_of_samples: int         = None,
                 worktable_template_filename = None,
                 output_filename             = None,
                 first_tip                   = None,
                 run_name: str               = ""):

        this = Path(__file__).parent

                            GUI                         = GUI,
                            num_of_samples              = num_of_samples or DemoTwoMixes.max_s,
                            worktable_template_filename = worktable_template_filename or
                                                          this / 'demo-two.mixes.Evo200example.ewt',
                            output_filename             = output_filename or this / 'scripts' / 'two.mixes',
                            first_tip                   = first_tip,
                            run_name                    = run_name)

    def run(self):
        self.initialize()                                               # set_EvoMode and set_defaults() from Evo200

        self.check_initial_liquid_level = True
        self.show_runtime_check_list    = True

        num_of_samples = self.num_of_samples
        assert self.min_s <= num_of_samples <= self.max_s, "In this demo we want to set 2x num_of_samples in a 96 well plate."
        wt           = self.worktable

        self.comment('Prefill a plate with some dilutions of two master mix and Buffer Reagent for {:d} samples.'

        buf_cuvette   = wt.get_labware("BufferCub", labware.Trough_100ml)      # Get Labwares from the work table
        master_mixes_ = wt.get_labware("mixes", labware.Eppendorfrack)

        buf_per_sample =0
        fv = 100

        v_mix_10_100 = fv / 10                                # to be transferred from mix1_10 to mix1_100
        buf_mix_100 = fv - v_mix_10_100
        buf_per_sample += buf_mix_100

        v_mix_10 = (fv + v_mix_10_100)/10                     # to be distribute from original mix1 to mix1_10
        buf_mix_10 = (fv + v_mix_10_100) - v_mix_10
        buf_per_sample += buf_mix_10

        # Define the reagents in each labware (Cuvette, eppys, etc.)

        buffer = Reagent("Buffer ", buf_cuvette, volpersample   = buf_per_sample,
                                                 def_liq_class  = self.Water_wet,
                                                 num_of_samples = 2 * self.num_of_samples)

        mix1 = Reagent("mix1", master_mixes_, volpersample   = v_mix_10,
                                              def_liq_class  = self.Water_wet,
                                              num_of_samples = self.num_of_samples)

        mix2 = Reagent("mix2", master_mixes_, volpersample   = v_mix_10,
                                              def_liq_class  = self.Water_wet,
                                              num_of_samples = self.num_of_samples)

        # Show the check_list GUI to the user for possible small changes


        instructions.wash_tips(wasteVol=5, FastWash=True).exec()

        plate1 = wt.get_labware("plate1", '96 Well Microplate')
        plate2 = wt.get_labware("plate2", '96 Well Microplate')

        new_location = wt.get_labware("plate2-moved").location

        Reagent.use_minimal_number_of_aliquots = False           # Define derived reagents  ---------------------

        mix1_10 = Reagent(f"mix1, diluted 1:10",
                          initial_vol = 0.0,
                          num_of_aliquots= num_of_samples,
                          def_liq_class = self.Water_free,
                          excess      = 0)

        mix2_10 = Reagent(f"mix2, diluted 1:10",
                          initial_vol = 0.0,
                          num_of_aliquots= num_of_samples,
                          def_liq_class = self.Water_free,
                          excess      = 0)

        mix1_100 = Reagent(f"mix1, diluted 1:100",
                           wells       = 'A07',
                           initial_vol = 0.0,
                           num_of_aliquots= num_of_samples,
                           def_liq_class = self.Water_free,
                           excess      = 0)

        mix2_100 = Reagent(f"mix2, diluted 1:100",
                           wells       = 'A07',
                           initial_vol = 0.0,
                           num_of_aliquots= num_of_samples,
                           def_liq_class = self.Water_free,
                           excess      = 0)

        instructions.transfer_rack(plate2, new_location).exec()                  # just showing how RoMa works.

        with group("Fill plate with mixes "):

            self.user_prompt("Put the plates for Buffer ")

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent           = mix1,
                                to_labware_region = mix1_10.select_all())

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent           = mix2,
                                to_labware_region = mix2_10.select_all())

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent=buffer, to_labware_region=mix1_10.select_all(), volume=buf_mix_10)
                self.distribute(reagent=buffer, to_labware_region=mix2_10.select_all(), volume=buf_mix_10)

            with, drop=False):
                wells_100 = mix1_100.select_all()
                self.transfer(from_labware_region = mix1_10.select_all(),
                              to_labware_region   = wells_100,
                              volume              = v_mix_10_100)

            with, drop=False):
                wells_100 = mix2_100.select_all()
                self.transfer(from_labware_region = mix2_10.select_all(),
                              to_labware_region   = wells_100,
                              volume              = v_mix_10_100)

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent=buffer, to_labware_region=mix1_100.select_all(), volume=buf_mix_100)
                self.distribute(reagent=buffer, to_labware_region=mix2_100.select_all(), volume=buf_mix_100)



if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = DemoTwoMixes(num_of_samples= 4,
                     run_name= "_4s_mix_1_2")

    p.use_version('No version')
    # p.set_first_tip('A01')