Source code for protocols.evo100_f.Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2.Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2

# Copyright (C) 2018-2019, Ariel Vina Rodriguez ( )
#  distributed under the GNU General Public License, see <>.
# author Ariel Vina-Rodriguez (qPCR4vir)
# 2018-2019
__author__ = 'Ariel'

from EvoScriPy.protocol_steps import *
from protocols.evo100_f.evo100_f import Evo100_FLI

class Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2(Evo100_FLI):
    Prefill plates with VEW1, Elution buffer and VEW2 for the
    Implementation of the protocol for RNA extraction using the NucleoMag® VET kit from MACHEREY-NAGEL
    with washes in the Fischer Robot.

    name = "Prefill plates with VEW1, Elution buffer and VEW2 for KingFisher"
    min_s, max_s = 1, 96

    def def_versions(self):
        self.versions = {'Standard': self.V_Standard}

    def V_Standard(self):

    def __init__(self,
                 GUI                        = None,
                 num_of_samples: int        = None,
                 worktable_template_filename= None,
                 output_filename            = None,
                 first_tip                  = None,
                 run_name: str              = ""):

        this = Path(__file__).parent

                            GUI                     = GUI,
                            num_of_samples=num_of_samples or Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2.max_s,
                                                    = worktable_template_filename or
                                                      this / 'Prefill_VEW1_ElutB_and_VEW2.ewt',
                            output_filename         = output_filename or
                                                      this / 'scripts' / 'Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2',
                            first_tip= first_tip,
                            run_name                = run_name)

    def run(self):
        self.initialize()                       # set_defaults ??

        num_of_samples = self.num_of_samples
        wt           = self.worktable

        self.comment('Prefill plates with VEW1, Elution buffer and VEW2 for {:s} samples.'

                                                        # Get Labwares (Cuvette, eppys, etc.) from the work table

        ElutBuf     = wt.get_labware(label="1-VEL-ElutionBuffer")

        DiTi1000_1  = wt.get_labware("1000-1", labware.DiTi_1000ul)
        DiTi1000_2  = wt.get_labware("1000-2", labware.DiTi_1000ul)
        DiTi1000_3  = wt.get_labware("1000-3", labware.DiTi_1000ul)

        Plate_VEW1  = wt.get_labware("Plate VEW1", labware.MP96deepwell)  # Plate 12 x 8 ?
        Plate_VEW2  = wt.get_labware("Plate VEW2", labware.MP96deepwell)  # Plate 12 x 8 ?
        Plate_Eluat = wt.get_labware("Plate ElutB", labware.MP96well)  # Plate 12 x 8 ? MP96well !!

                                                         # Set the initial position of the tips


                                                         # Set volumen / sample

        VEW1Volume          = 600.0
        VEW2Volume          = 600.0
        ElutionBufferVolume = 100.0

                                                       # Liquid classes used for pippetting.
                                                       # Others liquidClass names are defined in ""

        # SampleLiqClass = "Serum Asp"  # = TissueHomLiqClass   # SerumLiqClass="Serum Asp preMix3"

        all_samples = range(num_of_samples)
        maxTips     = min(self.n_tips, num_of_samples)
        maxMask     = robot.mask_tips[maxTips]

                                                        # Define the reactives in each labware (Cuvette, eppys, etc.)

        VEW1            = Reagent("VEW1 - Wash Buffer ",
                                  wt.get_labware("4-VEW1 Wash Buffe", labware.Trough_100ml),
                                  volpersample  = VEW1Volume,
                                  def_liq_class   = self.B_liquidClass)

        VEW2            = Reagent("VEW2 - WashBuffer ",
                                  wt.get_labware("5-VEW2-WashBuffer", labware.Trough_100ml),
                                  volpersample  =VEW2Volume,
                                  def_liq_class   =self.B_liquidClass)

        ElutionBuffer   = Reagent("Elution Buffer ",
                                  volpersample  =ElutionBufferVolume,
                                  def_liq_class   =self.B_liquidClass)

                                                        # Show the check_list GUI to the user for posible small changes


        instructions.wash_tips(wasteVol=30, FastWash=True).exec()

        par = Plate_VEW1.parallelOrder(self.n_tips, all_samples)

        # Define samples and the place for intermediate reactions
        for s in all_samples:
            Reagent("VEW1_{:02d}".format(s + 1),
                        initial_vol  = 0.0,
                        wells=par[s] + 1,
                        excess       = 0)  # todo revise order !!!

            Reagent("VEW2_{:02d}".format(s + 1),
                        initial_vol = 0.0,
                        wells=par[s] + 1,
                        excess      = 0)

            Reagent("Eluat_{:02d}".format(s + 1),
                        initial_vol = 0.0,
                        wells=par[s] + 1,
                        excess      = 0)

        with group("Prefill plates with VEW1, Elution buffer and VEW2"):

            self.user_prompt("Put the plates for VEW1, Elution buffer and VEW2 in that order")

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent             = ElutionBuffer,
                                to_labware_region   = Plate_Eluat.selectOnly(all_samples))    # ,optimize=False

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent             =VEW2,
                                to_labware_region   =Plate_VEW2.selectOnly(all_samples))      # , optimize=False

            with, drop=False):
                self.distribute(reagent             =VEW1,
                                to_labware_region   =Plate_VEW1.selectOnly(all_samples))      # , optimize=False



if __name__ == "__main__":

    p = Prefill_plates_VEW1_ElutionBuffer_VEW2(num_of_samples= 96,
                                               run_name        = "")

    # p.set_first_tip('A01')