Source code for instructions_Te_MagS

# Copyright (C) 2014-2019, Ariel Vina Rodriguez ( )
#  distributed under the GNU General Public License, see <>.
# author Ariel Vina-Rodriguez (qPCR4vir)
# 2014-2019
__author__ = 'Ariel'

""" A.15.10 Advanced Worklist Commands for the Te-MagS """

import logging
import EvoScriPy.evo_mode
import EvoScriPy.labware
from EvoScriPy.Instruction_Base import *

[docs]class Te_MagS_MoveToPosition(TMagInstr): """ A.15.10.1 MoveToPosition (Worklist: Te-MagS_MoveToPosition) """ Dispense = 0 Aspirate = 1 Re_suspension = 2 Incubation = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, position, z_pos=31, needs_allwd_lw=0, allowed_labware="" ): """ :param position: Aspirate Position - Carrier above the magnet block, magnet block raised. Dispense Position - Carrier above the magnet block, magnet block lowered. Incubation Position - Carrier above the heating block, heating block raised. Re-suspension Position - Carrier above the heating block, heating block lowered. Use this position to carry out re-suspension by mixing the liquid with the pipetting tips (e.g. with the LiHa - Mix script command). :param z_pos: :param needs_allwd_lw: :param allowed_labware: """ TMagInstr.__init__(self, "Te-MagS_MoveToPosition") self.allowed_labware = allowed_labware self.needs_allwd_lw = needs_allwd_lw self.z_pos = z_pos self.position = position
[docs] def validate_arg(self): TMagInstr.validate_arg(self) assert self.needs_allwd_lw == 0 assert self.allowed_labware == "" pos = int(self.position) if pos == Te_MagS_MoveToPosition.Aspirate: pos = "{:d} {:d}".format( pos, int(self.z_pos) ) self.arg += [ Expression(pos), Expression(self.needs_allwd_lw), Expression(self.allowed_labware)] return True
[docs]class Te_MagS_ActivateHeater(TMagInstr): """ A.15.10.2 ActivateHeater (Worklist: Te-MagS_ActivateHeater) """
[docs] def __init__(self, temperature, needs_allwd_lw=0, allowed_labware="" ): TMagInstr.__init__(self, "Te-MagS_ActivateHeater") self.temperature = temperature self.allowed_labware = allowed_labware self.needs_allwd_lw = needs_allwd_lw
[docs] def validate_arg(self): TMagInstr.validate_arg(self) assert self.needs_allwd_lw == 0 assert self.allowed_labware == "" self.arg += [ Expression(self.temperature), Expression(self.needs_allwd_lw), Expression(self.allowed_labware)] return True
[docs]class Te_MagS_DeactivateHeater(TMagInstr): """ A.15.10.3 DeactivateHeater (Worklist: Te-MagS_DeactivateHeater) """
[docs] def __init__(self, exec_parameters="", needs_allwd_lw=0, allowed_labware="" ): TMagInstr.__init__(self, "Te-MagS_DeactivateHeater") self.exec_parameters = exec_parameters self.allowed_labware = allowed_labware self.needs_allwd_lw = needs_allwd_lw
[docs] def validate_arg(self): TMagInstr.validate_arg(self) assert self.needs_allwd_lw == 0 assert self.allowed_labware == "" assert self.exec_parameters == "" self.arg += [ Expression(self.exec_parameters), Expression(self.needs_allwd_lw), Expression(self.allowed_labware)] return True
[docs]class Te_MagS_Execution(TMagInstr): """ A.15.10.4 Execution (Worklist: Te-MagS_Execution) """
[docs] class Parametr:
[docs] def __init__(self, num): self.num=num
def __str__(self): return "{:d}:".format(int(self.num))
[docs] class mix: #(Parametr):
[docs] def __init__(self, cycles, hh, mm, ss, z_pos=31): self.z_pos = z_pos = ss = mm self.hh = hh self.cycles = cycles
def __str__(self): return "1:{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(int(self.cycles), int(self.hh), int(, int(, int(self.z_pos) )
[docs] class incub: #(Parametr):
[docs] def __init__(self, hh, mm, ss): = ss = mm self.hh = hh
def __str__(self): return "2:{:d} {:d} {:d}".format(int(self.hh), int(, int(
[docs] class wait: #(Parametr):
[docs] def __init__(self, hh, mm, ss): = ss = mm self.hh = hh
def __str__(self): return "3:{:d} {:d} {:d}".format(int(self.hh), int(, int(
[docs] class move: #(Parametr):
[docs] def __init__(self,position, z_pos): self.z_pos = z_pos self.position=position + 1
def __str__(self): return "4:{:d} {:d}".format(int(self.position), int(self.z_pos))
[docs] class command: #(Parametr):
[docs] def __init__(self,firmware_command): # example ="RPZ1" ??????? self.firmware_command = firmware_command
def __str__(self): return "5:"+ self.firmware_command
[docs] def __init__(self, exec_parameters=[], needs_allwd_lw=0, allowed_labware="" ): TMagInstr.__init__(self, "Te-MagS_Execution") self.exec_parameters = exec_parameters self.allowed_labware = allowed_labware self.needs_allwd_lw = needs_allwd_lw
[docs] def validate_arg(self): TMagInstr.validate_arg(self) assert self.needs_allwd_lw == 0 assert self.allowed_labware == "" pr=self.exec_parameters # + [Te_MagS_Execution.command()] pr = ','.join( [str(cm) for cm in pr] ) self.arg += [ Expression(pr) , Expression(self.needs_allwd_lw), Expression(self.allowed_labware)] return True