Source code for reagent

# Copyright (C) 2014-2019, Ariel Vina Rodriguez ( )
#  distributed under the GNU General Public License, see <>.
# author Ariel Vina-Rodriguez (qPCR4vir)
# 2014-2019
`Reagent` - a fundamental concept

A `Reagent` is a fundamental concept in RobotEvo programming. It makes possible to define a protocol in a natural way,
matching what a normal laboratory's protocol indicates.
Defines a named homogeneous liquid solution, the wells it occupy, the initial amount needed to run the protocol
(auto calculated), and how much is needed per sample, if applicable. It is also used to define samples,
intermediate reactions and products. It makes possible a robust tracking of all actions and a logical error
detection, while significantly simplifying the  programming of non trivial protocols.

todo: implement units for volume, concentration, etc.

Main classes and functions:

Abstract information classes:

 - :py:class:`MixComponent`: like an item in some table summarizing components of some Mix.
 - :py:class:`PreMixComponent`: like an item in some table summarizing components of some PreMix.
 - :py:class:`Primer`: like an item in some table summarizing primer sequences, synthesis, etc.
 - :py:class:`PrimerMixComponent`: like an item in a table describing Primer Mixes for some PCRs.
 - :py:class:`PrimerMix`: like a table describing Primer Mixes for some PCRs
 - :py:class:`PCRMasterMix`: like an item in some table summarizing PCR Master Mixes for some PCR experiment
 - :py:class:`PCReaction`: like an item in some table summarizing reactions in a PCR experiment
 - :py:class:`PCRexperiment`: like an item in some table summarizing PCR experiments

Robot classes:

 - :py:class:`Reagent`: homogeneous liquid solution in some wells
 - :py:class:`MixReagent`: a Reagent composed of other Reagents
 - :py:class:`Dilution`
 - :py:class:`PreMixReagent`: A pre-MixReagent of otherwise independent reagents
 - :py:class:`PrimerReagent`: Manipulate a Primer Reagent on a robot.
 - :py:class:`PrimerMixReagent`: Manipulate a Primer-Mix Reagent on a robot.
 - :py:class:`PCRMasterMixReagent`: Manipulate a PCR Master-Mix Reagent on a robot.
 - :py:class:`PCReactionReagent`
 - :py:class:`PCRexperimentRtic`: Organize a PCR setup on a robot.


__author__ = 'qPCR4vir'

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import EvoScriPy.labware as lab

def_reagent_excess = 4
def_mix_excess = 8

[docs]class Reagent: """ A Reagent is a fundamental concept in RobotEvo programming. It makes possible to define a protocol in a natural way, matching what a normal laboratory's protocol indicates. Defines a named homogeneous liquid solution, the wells it occupy, the initial amount needed to run the protocol (auto calculated), and how much is needed per sample, if applicable. It is also used to define samples, intermediate reactions and products. It makes possible a robust tracking of all actions and a logical error detection, while significantly simplifying the programming of non trivial protocols. """ current_protocol = None # to (auto)register a list of reagents use_minimal_number_of_aliquots = True
[docs] def __init__(self, name : str, labware : (lab.Labware, str, []) = None, wells : (int, [int], [lab.Well]) = None, num_of_aliquots: int = None, minimize_aliquots: bool = None, def_liq_class : (str, (str, str)) = None, volpersample : float = 0.0, #: todo move to PreMixComponent num_of_samples: int = None, #: todo move to Exp? to prepare? single_use : float = None, #: todo move to MixComponent excess : float = None, #: todo move to MixComponent initial_vol : (float, list) = 0.0, min_vol : float = 0.0, fill_limit_aliq : float = 100, concentration : float = None # todo implement use. Absolut vs. relative? Units? ): """ This is a named set of aliquots of an homogeneous solution. Put a reagent into labware wells, possible distributed into aliquots and set the amount to be used for each sample, if applicable. Each reagent is added to a list of reagents of the worktable were the labware is. The specified excess in % will be calculated/expected. A default excess of 4% will be assumed if None is indicated. A minimal needed volume will be calculated based on either the number of samples and the volume per sample to use or the volume per single use. This can be forced setting min_vol. A minimal number of replicas (wells, aliquots) will be calculated based on the minimal volume, taking into account the maximum allowed volume per well and the excess specified. Aliquots will be filled not more than the percent of the well volumen indicated by fill_limit_aliq. :param name: Reagent name. Ex: "Buffer 1", "forward primer", "IC MS2" :param labware: :py:class:`labware.Labware` or his label in the worktable; if None will be deduced from `wells`. :param volpersample: how much is needed per sample, if applicable, in uL :param single_use: Not a "per sample" multiple use? Set then here the volume for one single use :param wells: or offset to begging to put replica. If None will try to assign consecutive wells in labware :param num_of_aliquots: def min_num_of_replica(), number of replicas :param def_liq_class: the name of the Liquid class, as it appears in your own EVOware database. instructions.def_liquidClass if None :param excess; in % :param initial_vol: is set for each replica. If default (=None) is calculated als minimum. :param min_vol: force a minimum volume to be expected or prepared. :param fill_limit_aliq: maximo allowed volume in % of the wells capacity :param num_of_samples: if None, the number of samples of the current protocol will be assumed :param minimize_aliquots: use minimal number of aliquots? Defaults to `Reagent.use_minimal_number_of_aliquots`, This default value can be temporally change by setting that global. """ self.concentration = concentration logging.debug("Creating Reagent " + name) self.user_min_vol = min_vol or 0.0 self.need_vol = 0.0 #: calculated volume needed during the execution of the protocol if labware is None: if isinstance(wells, lab.Well): labware = wells.labware elif isinstance(wells, list) and isinstance(wells[0], lab.Well): labware = wells[0].labware self.labwares = labware if isinstance(labware, list) else [labware] for idx, lw in enumerate(self.labwares): if isinstance(lw, str): self.labwares[idx] = Reagent.current_protocol.worktable.get_labware(label=lw) else: assert isinstance(lw, lab.Labware), "No labware defined for Reagent " + str(self) self.labware = self.labwares[0] # add self to the list of reagents of the worktable were the labware is. worktable = None assert isinstance(self.labware.location.worktable, lab.WorkTable) # todo temporal if ( isinstance(self.labware, lab.Labware) and isinstance(self.labware.location, lab.WorkTable.Location) and isinstance(self.labware.location.worktable, lab.WorkTable)): worktable = self.labware.location.worktable else: if Reagent.current_protocol: worktable = Reagent.current_protocol.worktable # todo temporal assert name not in worktable.reagents, "The reagent " + name + " was already in the worktable" worktable.reagents[name] = self ex = def_reagent_excess if excess is None else excess self.fill_limit_aliq = 1.0 if fill_limit_aliq is None else fill_limit_aliq / 100.0 self.excess = 1.0 + ex/100.0 self.def_liq_class = def_liq_class = name self.volpersample = volpersample self.components = [] # todo reserved for future use ?? if minimize_aliquots is not None: self.minimize_aliquots = minimize_aliquots else: self.minimize_aliquots = Reagent.use_minimal_number_of_aliquots if single_use: assert not volpersample, str(name) + \ ": this is a single use-reagent. Please, don't set any volume per sample." # if num_of_samples is None: # num_of_samples = 1 assert num_of_samples is None, "this is a single use-reagent, don't set num_of_samples " + str(num_of_samples) self.need_vol = single_use else: if volpersample and num_of_samples is None: num_of_samples = Reagent.current_protocol.num_of_samples or 0 self.min_num_aliq = self.min_num_of_replica(num_of_samples=num_of_samples) # coordinate: min_num_aliq, wells, num_of_aliquots, initial_vol. todo fine-tune warnings. if num_of_aliquots is None: num_of_aliquots = self.min_num_aliq assert num_of_aliquots >= self.min_num_aliq, ("too few wells (" + str(len(wells)) + ") given for the minimum " + "number of replica needed (" + str(self.min_num_aliq) + " )") if isinstance(wells, list): # use len(pos) to correct num_of_aliquots assert len(wells) >= self.min_num_aliq, ("too few wells (" + str(len(wells)) + ") given for the minimum " + "number of replica needed (" + str(self.min_num_aliq) + " )") if num_of_aliquots < len(wells): logging.warning("WARNING !! putting more replica of " + name + " to fit the initial volume list provided") num_of_aliquots = len(wells) assert not num_of_aliquots > len(wells), ("too few wells (" + str(len(wells)) + ") given for the desired " + "number of replicas (" + str(num_of_aliquots) + " )") if isinstance(initial_vol, list): assert num_of_aliquots == len(initial_vol) if num_of_aliquots > self.min_num_aliq: # todo revise !! for PreMixReagent components logging.warning("WARNING !! You may be putting more wells replicas (" + str(len(wells)) + ") of " + name + " that the minimum you need(" + str(self.min_num_aliq) + " )") if not isinstance(initial_vol, list): initial_vol = [initial_vol] * num_of_aliquots if num_of_aliquots < len(initial_vol): logging.warning("WARNING !! putting more replica of " + name + " to fit the initial volume list provided") num_of_aliquots = len(initial_vol) if num_of_aliquots > self.min_num_aliq: # todo revise !! for PreMixReagent components logging.warning("WARNING !! You may be putting more inital volumens values (" + str(num_of_aliquots) + ") of " + name + " that the minimum number of replicas you need(" + str(self.min_num_aliq) + " )") try: self.Replicas = self.labware.put(self, wells, self.min_num_aliq if self.minimize_aliquots else num_of_aliquots) except lab.NoFreeWells as er: logging.warning("No free wells: " + str(er)) for lwre in self.labwares: if lwre is self.labware: continue try: self.Replicas = lwre.put(self, wells, self.min_num_aliq if self.minimize_aliquots else num_of_aliquots) self.labware = lwre break except lab.NoFreeWells as er: logging.warning("No free wells: " + str(er)) else: er = lab.NoFreeWells(labware=self.labware, error=' to put ' + str(num_of_aliquots) + ' aliquots of reagent - ' + str(self)) logging.warning(str(er)) raise er self.pos = self.Replicas[0].offset # ?? self.initial_vol = None self.init_vol(num_samples=num_of_samples, initial_vol=initial_vol) # put the minimal initial volume self.include_in_check = True logging.debug("Created Reagent " + str(self))
[docs] def min_num_of_replica(self, num_of_samples: int = None) -> int: """ A minimal number of replicas (wells, aliquots) will be calculated based on the minimal volume, taking into account the maximum allowed volume per well and the excess specified. :param num_of_samples: :return: """ return int(self.min_vol(num_of_samples) / (self.labware.type.max_vol * self.fill_limit_aliq)) + 1
@staticmethod def set_reagent_list(protocol): Reagent.current_protocol = protocol # ?? @staticmethod def stop_reagent_list(): Reagent.current_protocol = None def __str__(self): return "{name:s}".format( def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str(self.Replicas or '-') + ']'
[docs] def min_vol(self, num_samples=None, volume: float = None, add_volume: float = None) -> float: """ A minimal volume will be calculated based on either the number of samples and the volume per sample to use (todo or the volume per single use.)??? :param num_samples: :return: """ if self.volpersample: assert not (volume or add_volume) num_samples = num_samples or Reagent.current_protocol.num_of_samples or 0 self.need_vol = self.volpersample * num_samples * self.excess else: assert not num_samples if volume: assert not add_volume self.need_vol = volume * self.excess elif add_volume: assert not volume self.need_vol += add_volume * self.excess return self.need_vol
[docs] def init_vol(self, num_samples=None, initial_vol=None): """ To initialize the among of reagent in each well. First put what the user inform he had put, then put additionally the minimum the protocol need. :param num_samples: :param initial_vol: :return: """ if initial_vol is not None: assert isinstance(initial_vol, list) self.initial_vol = [] for w, v in zip(self.Replicas, initial_vol): # todo and the rest wells? 0? w.vol = v if v else 0 assert w.labware.type.max_vol >= w.vol, 'Excess initial volume for ' + str(w) self.initial_vol.append(w.vol) else: for w, v in zip(self.Replicas, self.initial_vol): # todo and the rest wells? 0? w.vol = v if v else 0 assert w.labware.type.max_vol >= w.vol, 'Excess initial volume for ' + str(w) self.put_min_vol(num_samples)
[docs] def put_min_vol(self, num_samples=None): # todo create num_of_aliquots if needed !!!! """ Force you to put an initial volume of reagent that can be used to distribute into samples, aspiring equal number of complete doses for each sample from each replica, exept the firsts replicas that can be used to aspirate one more dose for the last/rest of samples. That is: all replica have equal volumen (number) of doses or the firsts have one more dose :param num_samples: :return: """ need_vol = max(self.need_vol, self.user_min_vol, 0.0) if self.volpersample: if num_samples is None: num_samples = Reagent.current_protocol.num_of_samples if not num_samples and not need_vol: return v_per_sample = self.volpersample * self.excess num_samples = max(num_samples, (need_vol + 0.5) // v_per_sample ) replicas=len(self.Replicas) for i, w in enumerate(self.Replicas): v = v_per_sample * (num_samples + replicas - (i + 1)) // replicas if v > w.vol: w.vol += (v-w.vol) assert w.labware.type.max_vol >= w.vol, 'Add one more replica for ' + else: vr = need_vol * self.excess / len(self.Replicas) for w in self.Replicas: if vr > w.vol: w.vol += (vr-w.vol) assert w.labware.type.max_vol >= w.vol, 'Add one more replica for ' +
def autoselect(self, maxTips=1, offset=None, replicas = None): # todo revise !!!!!!!!! we know the wells = Replicas return self.labware.autoselect(offset or self.pos, maxTips, len(self.Replicas) if offset is None else 1) def select_all(self): return self.labware.selectOnly([w.offset for w in self.Replicas])
[docs]class NoReagentFound(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, reagent_name: str, error: str): self.reagent_name = reagent_name Exception.__init__(self, "No reagent named " + str(reagent_name) + error) # todo redaction
[docs]class MixComponent: """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing components of some MixReagent. todo: introduce diluent? - final_conc == None ? final_conc == init_conc ? """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, id_: str = None, init_conc: float = None, final_conc: float = None, volume: float = None): """ :param id_: :param name: :param init_conc: todo Really?? :param final_conc: """ = id_ = name self.init_conc = init_conc self.final_conc = final_conc self.volume = volume
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']'
[docs]class MixComponentReagent: """ Components of some MixReagent. This is not just a Reagent, but some "reserved" volume of some Reagent. """
[docs] def __init__(self, reagent: Reagent, volume: float = None): """ :param reagent: :param volume: """ self.reagent = reagent self.vol = 0.0 self.excess = 1.0 self.volume(volume)
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str(self.volume or '-') + ']' def volume(self, vol: float = None, excess: float = None): # todo put_min_vol in reagent? old_vol = self.vol * self.excess if vol is None and excess is None: return old_vol if excess is not None: self.excess = excess if vol is not None: self.vol = vol new_vol = self.vol * self.excess self.reagent.min_vol(add_volume=new_vol - old_vol) self.reagent.init_vol() return new_vol
class MixReagent(Reagent): """ A Reagent composed of other Reagents, that the robot may prepare. This is just a mix of fixed volume of the mixed components, with in turn fixes the total volume of this reagent. """ def __init__(self, name : str, # todo introduce abstract info class MixReagent and rename this MixReagent? labware : (lab.Labware, str, []) = None, wells : (int, [int], [lab.Well]) = None, components : [MixComponentReagent] = None, num_of_aliquots: int = None, minimize_aliquots: bool = None, def_liq_class : (str, (str, str)) = None, excess : float = None, initial_vol : float = 0.0, min_vol : float = 0.0, # todo ?? fill_limit_aliq : float = 100, concentration : float = None ): """ :param name: :param labware: :param wells: :param components: :param num_of_aliquots: :param minimize_aliquots: :param def_liq_class: :param excess: :param initial_vol: :param min_vol: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param concentration: """ ex = def_mix_excess if excess is None else excess vol = 0.0 for comp in components: assert isinstance(comp, MixComponentReagent) vol += comp.volume(ex) comp.reagent.put_min_vol() if initial_vol is None: initial_vol = 0.0 Reagent.__init__(self, name, labware, wells= wells, num_of_aliquots= num_of_aliquots, def_liq_class = def_liq_class, excess = ex, initial_vol = initial_vol, fill_limit_aliq= fill_limit_aliq, concentration=concentration, min_vol=min_vol, minimize_aliquots=minimize_aliquots) self.min_vol(add_volume=-vol) self.components = components #: list of reagent components # self.init_vol() def min_vol(self, num_samples=None, volume: float = None, add_volume: float = None) -> float: """ A minimal volume will be calculated based on either the number of samples and the volume per sample to use (todo or the volume per single use.)??? :param num_samples: :return: """ old_need = max(self.need_vol, 0.0) if self.volpersample: assert not (volume or add_volume) num_samples = num_samples or Reagent.current_protocol.num_of_samples or 0 self.need_vol = self.volpersample * num_samples * self.excess else: assert not num_samples if volume: assert not add_volume self.need_vol = volume * self.excess elif add_volume: assert not volume self.need_vol += add_volume * self.excess need_vol = max (0.0, self.need_vol-old_need) if need_vol > 0.05: self.reserve(need_vol) return self.need_vol def reserve(self, need_vol:float): raise Exception("Prepare " + str(need_vol) + " more uL of " + str(self)) def __str__(self): # todo ? return "{name:s}".format( def __repr__(self): # todo ? return ( or '-') + '[' + str(self.Replicas or '-') + ']' def make(self, protocol, volume=None): # todo deprecate? if self.Replicas[0].vol is None: # ???? self.put_min_vol(volume) assert False protocol.make_mix(self, volume)
[docs]class DilutionComponentReagent(MixComponentReagent): """ Components of some Dilution. """
[docs] def __init__(self, reagent: Reagent, dilution: float = None, final_conc: float = None): """ :param reagent: :param dilution: :param final_conc: """ self.dilution = dilution self.final_conc = final_conc if dilution: assert not final_conc else: assert reagent.concentration self.dilution = reagent.concentration / final_conc assert self.dilution >= 1.0 # vol = final_vol / dilution MixComponentReagent.__init__(self, reagent) # , volume=vol
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[1/' + str(self.dilution or '-') + ']' def volume(self, vol: float = None, excess: float = None): if vol is not None: if not self.dilution: assert self.reagent.concentration self.dilution = self.reagent.concentration / self.final_conc assert self.dilution >= 1.0 vol = vol / self.dilution MixComponentReagent.volume(self, vol=vol) return self.vol
[docs]class Dilution(MixReagent): """ A Reagent composed of others, diluted Reagents, that the robot may prepare. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, # todo introduce abstract info class MixReagent and rename this MixReagent? diluent: Reagent, labware: (lab.Labware, str, []) = None, wells: (int, [int], [lab.Well]) = None, components: [DilutionComponentReagent] = None, num_of_aliquots: int = None, minimize_aliquots: bool = None, def_liq_class: (str, (str, str)) = None, excess: float = None, initial_vol: float = 0.0, min_vol: float = 0.0, fill_limit_aliq: float = 100, concentration: float = None ): """ :param name: :param labware: :param wells: :param components: :param num_of_aliquots: :param minimize_aliquots: :param def_liq_class: :param excess: :param initial_vol: :param min_vol: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param concentration: """ ex = def_mix_excess if excess is None else excess vol = 0.0 for comp in components: assert isinstance(comp, DilutionComponentReagent) vol += comp.volume(min_vol - initial_vol, ex) self.diluent = diluent diluent.min_vol(add_volume= (min_vol - initial_vol)*ex - vol) if initial_vol is None: initial_vol = 0.0 MixReagent.__init__(self, name, labware, components=components, wells=wells, num_of_aliquots=num_of_aliquots, def_liq_class=def_liq_class, excess=ex, initial_vol=initial_vol, fill_limit_aliq=fill_limit_aliq, concentration=concentration, min_vol=min_vol, minimize_aliquots=minimize_aliquots) self.components = components #: list of reagent components
# self.init_vol() def reserve(self, need_vol: float): vol = 0.0 for comp in self.components: assert isinstance(comp, DilutionComponentReagent) vol += comp.volume(need_vol) def __str__(self): # todo ? return "{name:s}".format( def __repr__(self): # todo ? return ( or '-') + '[' + str(self.Replicas or '-') + ']' def make(self, protocol, volume=None): # todo deprecate? if self.Replicas[0].vol is None: # ???? self.put_min_vol(volume) assert False protocol.make_mix(self, volume)
[docs]class MixReagent(Reagent): """ A Reagent composed of other Reagents, that the robot may prepare. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name : str, # todo introduce abstract info class MixReagent and rename this MixReagent? labware : (lab.Labware, str, []) = None, wells : (int, [int], [lab.Well]) = None, components : [MixComponentReagent] = None, num_of_aliquots: int = None, minimize_aliquots: bool = None, def_liq_class : (str, (str, str)) = None, excess : float = 1.0, initial_vol : float = 0.0, min_vol : float = 0.0, fill_limit_aliq : float = 100, concentration : float = None ): """ :param name: :param labware: :param wells: :param components: :param num_of_aliquots: :param minimize_aliquots: :param def_liq_class: :param excess: :param initial_vol: :param min_vol: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param concentration: """ vol = 0.0 for comp in components: assert isinstance(comp, MixComponentReagent) vol += comp.volume() comp.reagent.put_min_vol() if initial_vol is None: initial_vol = 0.0 Reagent.__init__(self, name, labware, wells= wells, num_of_aliquots= num_of_aliquots, def_liq_class = def_liq_class, excess = excess, initial_vol = initial_vol, fill_limit_aliq= fill_limit_aliq) self.components = components #: list of reagent components
# self.init_vol() def __str__(self): # todo ? return "{name:s}".format( def __repr__(self): # todo ? return ( or '-') + '[' + str(self.Replicas or '-') + ']' def make(self, protocol, volume=None): # todo deprecate? if self.Replicas[0].vol is None: # ???? self.put_min_vol(volume) assert False protocol.make_mix(self, volume)
[docs]class PreMixComponent(MixComponent): """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing components of some PreMixReagent. An special case of MixComponent, for which volume is calculated on the basis of "number of samples" and volume_per_sample """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, volpersample: float, id_: str = None, init_conc: float = None, final_conc: float = None, volume: float = None): """ :param id_: :param name: :param init_conc: todo Really?? :param final_conc: """ self.volpersample = volpersample MixComponent.__init__(self, id_=id_, name=name, init_conc=init_conc, final_conc=final_conc, volume=volume)
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']'
[docs]class PreMixReagent(Reagent): # todo rewrite to be a MixReagent """ A pre-MixReagent of otherwise independent reagents to be pippeted together for convenience, but that could be pippeted separately. todo: make this a special case of MixReagent, for which everything ? is calculated on the basis of "number of samples" """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, labware: (lab.Labware, list), components, pos = None, num_of_aliquots = None, initial_vol = None, def_liq_class = None, excess = None, fill_limit_aliq =None, num_of_samples = None # todo here? ): """ :param name: :param labware: :param components: list of reagent components :param pos: :param num_of_aliquots: :param initial_vol: :param def_liq_class: :param excess: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param num_of_samples: """ ex = def_mix_excess if excess is None else excess vol = 0.0 for reagent in components: vol += reagent.volpersample reagent.excess += ex/100.0 # todo revise! best to calculate at the moment of making? reagent.put_min_vol(num_of_samples) if initial_vol is None: initial_vol = 0.0 Reagent.__init__(self, name, labware, volpersample= vol, wells= pos, num_of_aliquots= num_of_aliquots, def_liq_class = def_liq_class, excess = ex, initial_vol = initial_vol, fill_limit_aliq= fill_limit_aliq, num_of_samples = num_of_samples) self.components = components #: list of reagent components
# self.init_vol()
[docs] def init_vol(self, num_samples=None, initial_vol=None): """ update my self.volpersample from the already updated self.components.volpersample, possibly with updated num_samples and initial_vol WARNING !! call this only after the update of the components (if need) :param num_samples: :param initial_vol: """ if self.components: # todo ?? self.volpersample = 0 for reagent in self.components: self.volpersample += reagent.volpersample Reagent.init_vol(self, num_samples=0, initial_vol=initial_vol) pass
# put volume in num_of_aliquots only at the moment of making !! # Reagent.init_vol(self, num_samples) # self.put_min_vol(num_samples) def make(self, protocol, NumSamples=None): # todo deprecate? not used if self.Replicas[0].vol is None: # todo ???? self.put_min_vol(NumSamples) # todo ???? assert False protocol.make_pre_mix(self, NumSamples) # used directly? def compVol(self,index, NumSamples=None): NumSamples = NumSamples or Reagent.current_protocol.num_of_samples return self.components[index].min_vol(NumSamples)
[docs]class Reaction(Reagent): """ todo: make this a MixReagent, with diluent too ? """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, labware, components: [Reagent] = None, track_sample=None, # just one more component? pos=None, num_of_aliquots=1, def_liq_class=None, excess=None, initial_vol=0): Reagent.__init__(self, name, labware, single_use=0, wells=pos, num_of_aliquots=num_of_aliquots, def_liq_class=def_liq_class, excess=excess, initial_vol=initial_vol) self.track_sample = track_sample
[docs]class Primer: """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing primer sequences, synthesis, etc. """ ids = {} #: connect each existing Primer ID with the corresponding Primer seqs = {} #: connect each existing Primer sequence with the corresponding list of Primer names = {} #: connect each existing Primer name with the corresponding list of Primer key_words = {} #: connect each existing Primer key_word with the corresponding list of Primer ids_synt = {} #: connect each existing Primer synthesis ID with the corresponding Primer next_internal_id = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, seq: str, proposed_stock_conc: float=100, # uM id_: str=None, prepared: float=None, mass: float=None, # ug moles: float=None, # nmoles molec_w: float=None, # g/mol mod_5p: str=None, mod_3p: str=None, id_synt: str=None, kws: list=None, diluent: str='TE 1x'): """ :param name: :param seq: :param proposed_stock_conc: :param id_: :param prepared: :param mass: :param moles: :param molec_w: :param mod_5p: :param mod_3p: :param id_synt: :param kws: :param diluent: """ self.diluent = diluent self.prepared = prepared self.proposed_stock_conc = proposed_stock_conc self.mass = mass self.moles = moles self.molec_w = molec_w self.mod_5p = mod_5p self.mod_3p = mod_3p self.id_synt = id_synt = name self.seq = seq = id_ self._internal_id = Primer.next_internal_id Primer.next_internal_id += 1 Primer.names.setdefault(name, []).append(self) if id_ and id_ in Primer.ids: wrn = 'Duplicate primer ID: ' + str(id_) logging.warning(wrn) # raise Warning(wrn) Primer.ids.setdefault(id_, []).append(self) if not id_synt: id_synt = 'FakeID-' + str(self._internal_id) if id_synt in Primer.ids_synt: err = 'Duplicate primer synthesis ID: ' + str(id_synt) logging.error(err) raise Exception(err) Primer.ids_synt[id_synt] = self Primer.seqs.setdefault(seq, []).append(self) if isinstance(kws, list): for kw in kws: Primer.key_words.setdefault(kw, []).append(self)
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']' @staticmethod def load_excel_list(file_name: Path = None): col = {'conc': 0, 'id': 2, 'prepared': 4, 'name': 5, 'moles': 7, 'mass': 8, 'seq': 15, 'mol_w': 11, 'mod_5p': 19, 'mod_3p': 20, 'ido': 22, 'virus': 25, 'diluent': 1 } logging.debug("opening excel") import openpyxl if not file_name: file_name = Path('C:\Prog\exp\PCR fli.xlsx') if not file_name: from tkinter import filedialog file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Excel files", "*.xlsm"), ("All files", "*.*")), defaultextension='fas', title='Select HEV isolate subtyping deta') if not file_name: return logging.debug(file_name) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(str(file_name)) logging.debug(wb.sheetnames) ws = wb['Primers'] first = True p = None for r in ws.iter_rows() : if first: diluent = r[col['diluent']].value first = False else: p=Primer(name=r[col['name']].value, seq=r[col['seq']].value, prepared=r[col['prepared']].value, proposed_stock_conc=r[col['conc']].value, id_=r[col['id']].value, mass=r[col['mass']].value, moles=r[col['moles']].value, molec_w=r[col['mol_w']].value, mod_5p=r[col['mod_5p']].value, mod_3p=r[col['mod_3p']].value, id_synt=r[col['ido']].value, kws=[r[col['virus']].value], diluent=diluent ) return p
[docs]class PrimerReagent(MixReagent): """ Manipulate a Primer Reagent on a robot. """ excess = def_mix_excess
[docs] def __init__(self, primer: Primer, primer_rack: (lab.Labware, list), pos=None, initial_vol=None, PCR_conc=0.8, stk_conc=100, def_liq_class=None, fill_limit_aliq=None, excess=None): """ Construct a robot-usable PrimerReagent from an abstract Primer. You can reuse "old" aliquots by passing primer.prepared volume > 0. If no primer.prepared volume is passed, it will be prepared. :param primer: :param primer_rack: :param pos: :param initial_vol: :param PCR_conc: :param stk_conc: :param def_liq_class: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param excess: """ self.stk_conc = stk_conc self.primer = primer Reagent.__init__(self,, labware=primer_rack or lab.stock, wells=pos, initial_vol=initial_vol or primer.prepared, excess=excess or PrimerReagent.excess, fill_limit_aliq=fill_limit_aliq, def_liq_class=def_liq_class)
# todo prepare unprepared Primers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! def __str__(self): return "primer " + def __repr__(self): return "primer " + ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']'
[docs]class PrimerMixComponent(MixComponent): """ Represent abstract information, like an item in a table describing Primer Mixes for some PCRs. It can be a primer, another primer mix or the diluent """
[docs] def __init__(self, id_ = None, name = None, init_conc = None, final_conc = None, super_mix: bool = False): """ :param id_: :param name: :param init_conc: :param final_conc: :param super_mix: """ MixComponent.__init__(self, id_, name, init_conc, final_conc) self.super_mix = super_mix
[docs]class PrimerMix: """ Represent abstract information, like a table describing Primer Mixes for some PCRs """ ids = {} #: connect each existing Primer mix ID with the corresponding PrimerMix names = {} #: connect each existing Primer mix name with the corresponding list of PrimerMix key_words = {} #: connect each existing Primer mix key_word with the corresponding list of PrimerMix super_mix = True next_internal_id = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, name, id_ = None, conc = 10.0, prepared=None, components = None, ref_vol = None, diluent = None, kws = None, super_mix = False): """ :param name: :param id_: :param conc: :param prepared: :param components: :param ref_vol: :param diluent: :param kws: :param super_mix: """ self.prepared = prepared self.super_mix = super_mix self.diluent = diluent = name = id_ self.conc = conc self.components = components self.ref_vol = ref_vol self._internal_id = PrimerMix.next_internal_id PrimerMix.next_internal_id += 1 PrimerMix.names.setdefault(name, []).append(self) PrimerMix.ids.setdefault(id_, []).append(self) if isinstance(kws, list): for kw in kws: PrimerMix.key_words.setdefault(kw, []).append(self)
def __str__(self): return "primer mix " + def __repr__(self): return "primer mix " + ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']' @staticmethod def load_excel_list(file_name: Path = None): col = {'conc': 2, 'id': 0, 'name': 1, 'vol': 2, 'prepared': 4, 'final': 6, 'virus': 13, 'super_mix': 1 } logging.debug("opening excel") import openpyxl if not file_name: file_name = Path('C:\Prog\exp\PCR fli.xlsx') if not file_name: from tkinter import filedialog file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Excel files", "*.xlsm"), ("All files", "*.*")), defaultextension='fas', title='Select HEV isolate subtyping deta') if not file_name: return logging.debug(file_name) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(str(file_name)) logging.debug(wb.sheetnames) ws = wb['Primer mix'] # todo argument # todo another dic no_l, header, name_l, vol_l, sep_l, table_h_l, primer_l, diluter_l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 line = no_l components = [] diluent = 'TE 0,1 x' # todo ???? pmix = None id_ = None name = None conc = None ref_vol = None kws = None super_mix = False prepared = None for r in ws.iter_rows(): if line == no_l: line += 1 elif line == header: id_ = r[col['id']].value kws = [r[col['virus']].value] superm = r[col['super_mix']].value super_mix = ('SuperMix' == superm) line += 1 elif line == name_l: # assert id == r[col['id']].value name = r[col['name']].value conc= r[col['conc']].value line += 1 elif line == vol_l: ref_vol = r[col['vol']].value prepared = r[col['prepared']].value line += 1 elif line == sep_l: line += 1 elif line == table_h_l: line += 1 elif line == primer_l: comp = PrimerMixComponent(id_ = r[col['id']].value, name = r[col['name']].value, init_conc = r[col['conc']].value, final_conc = r[col['final']].value, super_mix = ('"x"' == r[col['conc'] + 1].value)) if == diluent: # todo diluent always last? components.append(comp) pmix = PrimerMix(name=name, id_=id_, conc=conc, ref_vol=ref_vol, prepared=prepared, kws=kws, components=components, diluent=comp, super_mix=super_mix ) line = no_l components = [] id_ = None name = None conc = None ref_vol = None kws = None super_mix = False prepared = None elif comp.final_conc and ( or components += [comp] return pmix
[docs]class PrimerMixReagent(PreMixReagent): """ Manipulate a Primer-MixReagent Reagent on a robot. """ excess = def_mix_excess
[docs] def __init__(self, primer_mix: PrimerMix, primer_mix_rack: (lab.Labware, list), pos=None, num_of_aliquots=None, initial_vol=None, def_liq_class=None, excess=None, fill_limit_aliq=None, primer_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None): """ Construct a robot-usable PrimerMixReagent from an abstract PrimerMix. You can reuse "old" aliquots by passing primer_mix.prepared volume > 0. If no primer_mix.prepared volume is passed, or if it is not sufficient, a set of primer reagents will be created. :param primer_mix: :param primer_mix_rack: :param pos: :param num_of_aliquots: :param initial_vol: :param def_liq_class: :param excess: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param primer_rack: """ self.primer_mix = primer_mix initial_vol = initial_vol or self.primer_mix.prepared components = [] vol = 0 lw = primer_mix_rack[0] if isinstance(primer_mix_rack, list) else primer_mix_rack reagents = lw.location.worktable.reagents diluent_vol = self.primer_mix.ref_vol # todo ?? for component in self.primer_mix.components: assert isinstance(component, PrimerMixComponent) if component is self.primer_mix.diluent: vol_per_mix = diluent_vol else: vol_per_mix = self.primer_mix.ref_vol * component.final_conc / float(component.init_conc) diluent_vol -= vol_per_mix if in reagents: # for example an existing primer component_r = reagents[] assert isinstance(component_r, Reagent) # if not abs(component_r.volpersample - vol_per_reaction) < 0.05: # assert False # component_r.put_min_vol() else: if in PrimerMix.names: for prmx in PrimerMix.names[]: assert isinstance(prmx, PrimerMix) if == c_primer_mix = prmx break else: raise NoReagentFound(, " as primer mix with ID:" + str( + ". Alternatives are: " + str(PrimerMix.names[])) component_r = PrimerMixReagent(c_primer_mix, primer_mix_rack=primer_mix_rack, primer_rack=primer_rack) elif in Primer.names: for pr in Primer.names[]: assert isinstance(pr, Primer) if == c_primer = pr break else: raise NoReagentFound(, " as primer with ID:" + str( + ". Alternatives are: " + str(Primer.names[])) component_r = PrimerReagent(c_primer, primer_rack=primer_rack) components.append(component_r) PreMixReagent.__init__(self,, primer_mix_rack, pos, components, num_of_aliquots=num_of_aliquots, initial_vol=initial_vol, excess=excess or PrimerMixReagent.excess)
def __str__(self): return "primer mix " + def __repr__(self): return "primer mix " + ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']'
class ExpSheet: def __init__(self, file_name: Path, page, cell_rows, sample_line, num_col=12, num_row=8, ): self.file_name = file_name = page self.num_col = num_col self.num_row = num_row self.cell_rows = cell_rows self.sample_line = sample_line name = Path(file_name).stem.split('.') = name[0] self.title = '.'.join(name[1:])
[docs]class PCRMasterMix: """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing PCR Master Mixes for some PCR experiment """ ids = {} #: connect each existing PCR master mix ID with the corresponding PCRMasterMix names = {} #: connect each existing PCR master mix name with the corresponding PCRMasterMix next_internal_id = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, name, id_=None, reaction_vol=25, #: in uL sample_vol=5, #: in uL components=None, diluent=None, title=None): """ :param name: :param id_: :param reaction_vol: :param sample_vol: :param components: :param title: """ self.diluent = diluent = name = id_ self.reaction_vol = reaction_vol self.sample_vol = sample_vol self.title = title self.components = components self._internal_id = PCRMasterMix.next_internal_id PCRMasterMix.next_internal_id += 1 assert name not in PCRMasterMix.names PCRMasterMix.names[name] = self assert id_ not in PCRMasterMix.ids PCRMasterMix.ids[id_] = self
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']' @staticmethod def load_excel_list(exp_sheet: ExpSheet, ws=None): col = {'conc': 16, 'id': 14, 'name': 14, 'vol': 16, 'final': 18, 'sample_v': 16, 'title': 15, 'comp_name': 15 } if ws is None: logging.debug("opening excel file") import openpyxl if not exp_sheet.file_name: # deprecate file_name = Path('C:\Prog\exp\PCR fli.xlsx') if not exp_sheet.file_name: # deprecate from tkinter import filedialog # deprecate file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Excel files", "*.xlsm"), ("All files", "*.*")), defaultextension='fas', title='Select HEV isolate subtyping deta') if not file_name: return logging.debug(exp_sheet.file_name) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(str(exp_sheet.file_name)) logging.debug(wb.sheetnames) ws = wb[ or 'Druken'] # deprecate no_l, header, name_l, vol_l, sampl_l, table_h_l, comp_l, diluent_l = 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 diluent = 'H2O' # ? line = no_l pmix = None id = None name = None vol_per_reaction = 25 components = [] sample_vol = 5 # uL title = None to_skeep = 1 + exp_sheet.num_row * exp_sheet.cell_rows skeeped = 0 for r in ws.iter_rows(): if skeeped < to_skeep: skeeped += 1 continue if line <= name_l: name = r[col['name']].value if name: title = r[col['title']].value line += 1 elif line == vol_l: id = r[col['id']].value vol_per_reaction = r[col['vol']].value line += 1 elif line == sampl_l: sample_vol = r[col['sample_v']].value line += 1 else: component = MixComponent(id_=r[col['id']].value, name=r[col['comp_name']].value, init_conc=r[col['conc']].value, final_conc=r[col['final']].value) if == diluent: components.append(component) pmix = PCRMasterMix(name=name, id_=id, reaction_vol=vol_per_reaction, sample_vol=sample_vol, title=title, components=components, diluent=component ) line = no_l id = None name = None vol_per_reaction = 25 components = [] sample_vol = 5 # uL title = None elif component.final_conc and ( or components.append(component) return pmix
[docs]class PCRMasterMixReagent(PreMixReagent): """ Manipulate a PCR Master-Mix Reagent on a robot. """ excess = def_mix_excess
[docs] def __init__(self, pcr_mix: PCRMasterMix, mmix_rack: (lab.Labware, list), num_of_samples: int, pos=None, num_of_aliquots=None, initial_vol=None, def_liq_class=None, excess=None, fill_limit_aliq=None, kit_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None, primer_mix_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None, primer_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None ): """ Construct a robot-usable PCRMasterMixReagent from an abstract PCRMasterMix. It is always constructed - no reuse of old aliquots: contains instable components. :param primer_mix_rack: :param primer_rack: :param pos: :param num_of_aliquots: :param initial_vol: :param def_liq_class: :param fill_limit_aliq: :param pcr_mix: :param mmix_rack: :param kit_rack: :param excess: """ self.pcr_mix = pcr_mix components = [] vol = 0 lw = mmix_rack[0] if isinstance(mmix_rack, list) else mmix_rack reagents = lw.location.worktable.reagents diluent_vol = pcr_mix.reaction_vol - pcr_mix.sample_vol # num_samples = len(exp.mixes[pcr_mix]) for component in pcr_mix.components: assert isinstance(component, MixComponent) if component is pcr_mix.diluent: vol_per_reaction = diluent_vol else: vol_per_reaction = pcr_mix.reaction_vol * component.final_conc / float(component.init_conc) diluent_vol -= vol_per_reaction if in reagents: component_r = reagents[] assert isinstance(component_r, Reagent) # if not abs(component_r.volpersample - vol_per_reaction) < 0.05: # assert False # component_r.put_min_vol() else: if in PrimerMix.names: for prmx in PrimerMix.names[]: assert isinstance(prmx, PrimerMix) if == primer_mix = prmx break else: raise NoReagentFound(, " as primer mix with ID:" + str( + ". Alternatives are: " + str(PrimerMix.names[])) component_r = PrimerMixReagent(primer_mix, primer_mix_rack=primer_mix_rack, primer_rack=primer_rack) else: # todo for now let consider this a kit component - but it could be a Primer !!!! component_r = Reagent(, labware=kit_rack, volpersample=vol_per_reaction, num_of_samples=0) components.append(component_r) PreMixReagent.__init__(self, + "-PCRMMix", mmix_rack, components, pos=pos, num_of_aliquots=num_of_aliquots, initial_vol=initial_vol, def_liq_class=def_liq_class, excess=excess or PCRMasterMixReagent.excess, fill_limit_aliq=fill_limit_aliq, num_of_samples=num_of_samples)
[docs]class PCReaction: """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing reactions in a PCR experiment """ empty = 0 ntc = 1 pos = 2 std = 3 unk = 4 rol = {'':empty, None:empty, 'NTC':ntc, 'Pos':pos, 'Unk':unk, 'Std':std}
[docs] def __init__(self, rol, sample=None, targets=None, mix: PCRMasterMix=None, replica=None, row=None, col=None, vol=None): self.col = col self.row = row self.rol = rol self.sample = sample self.targets = targets or [] self.mix = mix if not mix: for target in self.targets: if target in PCRMasterMix.names: self.mix = PCRMasterMix.names[target] break else: assert not self.rol self.req_vol = vol or mix self.replica = replica
@staticmethod def get_rol(rol): rol, replica = rol.split('-') # todo improve to parse replicas return rol in PCReaction.rol, rol, replica def __str__(self): return self.sample def __repr__(self): return (self.sample or '-') + '[' + str(self.targets[0] or '-') + ']'
[docs]class PCReactionReagent(Reaction): vol = 25 vol_sample = 5
[docs] def __init__(self, pcr_reaction: PCReaction, plate: lab.Labware): """ :param pcr_reaction: :param plates: """ pos = plate.Position(pcr_reaction.row, pcr_reaction.col) Reaction.__init__(self, name=pcr_reaction.sample + ".PCR" + str(pos), labware=plate, track_sample=pcr_reaction.sample, pos=pos) self.pcr_reaction = pcr_reaction self.plate = plate
[docs]class PCRexperiment: """ Represent abstract information, like an item in some table summarizing PCR experiments """ mixes = {} #: connect each PCR master mix with the total of well reactions
[docs] def __init__(self, id_ = None, name = None, ncol = 0, nrow = 0): """ A linear rack have just one roe and many columns :param id_: :param name: :param ncol: :param nrow: """ = id_ = name self.pcr_reactions = [[PCReaction(PCReaction.empty)]*ncol]*nrow #: list of PCRReaction to create organized in rows with columns self.targets = {} #: connect each target with a list of PCR reactions well self.mixes = {} #: connect each PCR master mix with a list of well reactions self.samples = {} #: connect each sample with a list of well reactions
# self.vol = PCReaction.vol # self.vol_sample = PCReaction.vol_sample def add_reaction(self, pcr_reaction: PCReaction): self.pcr_reactions[pcr_reaction.row-1][pcr_reaction.col-1] = pcr_reaction self.samples.setdefault(pcr_reaction.sample, []).append(pcr_reaction) for target in pcr_reaction.targets: self.targets.setdefault(target, []).append(pcr_reaction) if target in PCRMasterMix.names: mmix = PCRMasterMix.names[target] if pcr_reaction.mix: assert pcr_reaction.mix is mmix else: pcr_reaction.mix = mmix self.mixes.setdefault(pcr_reaction.mix, []).append(pcr_reaction) PCRexperiment.mixes.setdefault(pcr_reaction.mix, 0) PCRexperiment.mixes[pcr_reaction.mix] += 1 pass def load_excel_list(self, exp_sheet: ExpSheet, load_PCRmix: bool = True): if is None: = if is None: = exp_sheet.title col = {'conc': 16, 'id': 14, 'name': 14, 'vol': 16, 'final': 18, 'sample_v': 16, 'title': 15, 'comp_name': 15 } logging.debug("opening excel") import openpyxl if not exp_sheet.file_name: exp_sheet.file_name = Path('C:\Prog\exp\PCR fli.xlsx') if not exp_sheet.file_name: from tkinter import filedialog exp_sheet.file_name = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Excel files", "*.xlsm"), ("All files", "*.*")), defaultextension='fas', title='Select HEV isolate subtyping deta') if not exp_sheet.file_name: return if load_PCRmix: PCRMasterMix(exp_sheet) logging.debug(exp_sheet.file_name) wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(str(exp_sheet.file_name)) logging.debug(wb.sheetnames) ws = wb[ or 'Druken'] if load_PCRmix: PCRMasterMix.load_excel_list(exp_sheet, ws) ncol = exp_sheet.num_col row = 0 cell_rows = exp_sheet.cell_rows sample_line = exp_sheet.sample_line line = 0 reactions = None for r in ws.iter_rows(): if line == 0: line += 1 elif line == 1: reactions = [PCReaction(PCReaction.empty, row=row + 1, col=col + 1) for col in range(ncol)] for rx in reactions: rx.rol = PCReaction.rol[r[rx.col].value] line += 1 elif line < sample_line: for rx in reactions: target = r[rx.col].value if target: assert rx.rol rx.targets.append(target) line += 1 continue elif line == sample_line: for rx in reactions: sample = r[rx.col].value if sample: assert rx.rol rx.sample = sample line += 1 elif line <= cell_rows: # read cell line line += 1 if line >= cell_rows: # last cell line row += 1 if len(self.pcr_reactions) < row: self.pcr_reactions += [[None]*ncol] for rx in reactions: self.add_reaction(rx) line = 1 if row == exp_sheet.num_row: break return self def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return ( or '-') + '[' + str( or '-') + ']'
[docs]class PCRexperimentRtic: """ Organize a PCR setup on a robot. From a list of abstract information about PCR plate/experiments creates sufficient volume of each of the :py:class:`PCRMasterMixReagent` listed in the global PCRexperiment.mixes """
[docs] def __init__(self, pcr_exp: (PCRexperiment, list), plates: (lab.Labware, list), kit_rack: (lab.Labware, list), mmix_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None, primer_mix_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None, primer_rack: (lab.Labware, list) = None, protocol=None): """ :param pcr_exp: [:py:class:`PCRexperiment`] abstarct information about the "plate" PCR experiemnts :param plates: [:py:class:`labware.Labware`] where to set the PCR reactions. :param kit_rack: [racks] in the prefered order to put the PCR kit reagents (stocks solutions) :param mmix_rack: [racks] in the prefered order to put the PCR mastermix reagents specially created for these experiments :param primer_mix_rack: [racks] in the prefered order to put the primer mix reagents (stocks solutions)s :param primer_rack: [racks] in the prefered order to put the primers reagents (stocks solutions)s :param protocol: who invoke this PCR, provide a worktable and the rest of the "environment" """ logging.debug("Creating a PCRexperimentRtic from " + repr(pcr_exp)) self.pcr_exp = pcr_exp if isinstance(pcr_exp, list) else [pcr_exp] #: abstract info self.plates = plates if isinstance(plates, list) else [plates] if len(self.pcr_exp) <= len(self.plates): raise RuntimeError("Not sufficient plates (", len(self.plates), ") provided for ", len(self.pcr_exp), " PCR experiments.") self.protocol = protocol self.mixes = {} #: connect each :py:class:`PCRMasterMix` in the experiment with the PCR wells into which will be pippeted mixes = {} # connect each PCRMasterMix with the corresponding PCRMasterMixReagent for pcr_mix, pcr_reactions in PCRexperiment.mixes.items(): if not pcr_mix: # empty reaction wells are market with None mix. continue assert isinstance(pcr_mix, PCRMasterMix) mix = PCRMasterMixReagent(pcr_mix=pcr_mix, mmix_rack=mmix_rack, num_of_samples=pcr_reactions, primer_mix_rack=primer_mix_rack, kit_rack=kit_rack, primer_rack=primer_rack) self.mixes[mix] = [] mixes[pcr_mix] = mix for exp, plate in zip(self.pcr_exp, self.plates): # iterate each PCR plate for which we have PCR mixes declared assert isinstance(exp, PCRexperiment) for pcr_mix, pcr_reactions in exp.mixes.items(): # visit each PCR mix with corresponding list of reactions if not pcr_mix: # empty reaction wells are market with None mix. continue assert isinstance(pcr_mix, PCRMasterMix) mix = mixes[pcr_mix] sv = pcr_mix.sample_vol # all reactions prepared with this mix have the same reaction and sample volume nw = len(pcr_reactions) react_wells = [] for rx in pcr_reactions: r = PCReactionReagent(rx, plate) react_wells.extend(r.Replicas) self.mixes.setdefault(mix, []).extend(react_wells) # just samples? pass pass
def pippete_mix(self): pass def pippete_samples(self): pass def vol (self, vol, vol_sample): self.vol = vol self.vol_sample = vol_sample def __str__(self): return "PCR Exp " + str(self.pcr_exp) def __repr__(self): return str(self) # todo review
if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(10) primers = Primer.load_excel_list() primermixes = PrimerMix.load_excel_list() sheet0 = ExpSheet(file_name=Path('K:\AG RealtimePCR\Ariel\Exp 424. WESSV.MID.NewRNAbis-4. AVRvsSAfr.PanFlav-224.Ute.xlsx'), page='Druken (2)', cell_rows=3, sample_line=3) sheet1 = ExpSheet(file_name=Path('C:\\Users\\Ariel\\Documents\\Exp\\PCR\\Exp 308. WNV.ZKU.10-1 10-10. WN-INNT-133, WN.Hoff, PanFlav.116.pltd.xlsx'), page='Druken (3)', cell_rows=6, sample_line=6) # pcrmixes = PCRMasterMix.load_excel_list(sheet) exp = PCRexperiment().load_excel_list(sheet0) pass